En Enfoque21 estamos muy contentos de poder contar con la colaboración de gente interesante que vive en distintos países y que nos contarán sobre su vida y costumbres. Esta sección será escrita en idioma Inglés y nos servirá para practicar este idioma.

Sana Bachir nos contará sobre la vida y costumbres en Sudan. He aquí su presentación. ¡Que la disfruten!

In Enfoque21 we're glad to have written contributions from people around the world who will tell us about their life and customs. This section will appear in English and will allow our readers to practice this language.

Sana Bachir is one of them. This is her introduction. Enjoy it!

Sudan: Sana Bachir's home.

Written by Sana Bachir.

My name is Sana Bachir, I live in the Republic of Sudan, a country in Africa, it’s the biggest country in Africa, I live in Khartoum, the Capital City.

Let me tell you about my everyday activities, I wake up early at 5:30 am to do my prayers (I am Muslim) then I go to college at 7:30 am, I study pharmacy 3rd year in an Islamic university, it means only for girls.

I usually take the bus to college; it’s the most common public transport in Sudan, if you want to be on time. I have my lectures and laboratory work finished at 4 pm and then I take the bus again to get back home, I take a shower and then have some sleep before getting up to prepare lunch. We usually have lunch at 5 pm and after that I put my books to study until 11 pm. When I finish studying I go to sleep.
Downtown (khartoum)

On holidays it’s a little different. In Sudan we have only one day a week as a holiday … it’s Friday. I wake up earlier than usual to clean up home and go shopping. At noon we have some rest and at night we usually go out, either to visit relatives or to go to a near park or maybe visit my friends or go out with them. Sometimes I stay home and watch tv.

In my free time I love to read novels, or go out for a walk, chat on line or listen to music and watch tv.

This is a quick view of how I live in my country, and I will be happy to write from time to time about our life style and many other things. I would like to share ideas with you.

Sudan's illustrated map.

Aerial view of Khartoum.

Khartoum University.


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